Sunday, June 7, 2015

Roast Chicken with Garlic and Lemons

This is one of my mother's favorite dishes. How can you beat a meal like this. Just heavenly!
8 organic chickens thighs (2 per person)
1 lb new potatoes, washed and cut into quarters
1 lemon (unwaxed), cut into quarters
6-8 garlic cloves, peeled and cut into strips
3 Tbsp unsalted butter
6 Tbsp olive oil
1 lb mushrooms
fresh thyme

Preheat the oven to 350°.
In a frying pan gently cook the mushrooms in some olive oil for 5-10 minutes. Keep the heat low to medium and cover with a lid. Set aside while you prepare the chicken.
Place the chicken thighs in a lightly greased baking dish. Put a little butter under each chicken thigh, and tuck 3 or 4 slivers of garlic under the skin. Dot the tops of the thighs with some more butter.
Add the mushrooms and the cooking juice.
Divide the potatoes and lemon quarters between the chicken, and season with salt and pepper and some fresh thyme to taste.
Cook for about 45 minutes, and then gently stir the chicken before returning to the oven for another 30 minutes or so until it has cooked through.
As there is quite a lot of liquid the chicken and potatoes will not roast, but they will turn golden brown and be assured they will be totally scrumptious!
This is a super tasty meal and is particularly delicious served with broccoli and some butternut squash.

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